Planning for YOUR Success

Planning for YOUR Success

Transcript of Planning for YOUR Success

Hey, everybody, I’m Adam Silverman from Muletown Digital.

So you realize that you need a new website for your business, but how do you really know what you need? So today I am going to throw a flag on the proverbial field of digital agencies and say that almost all of them miss a very, very critical step in a project.

Usually a project starts with someone coming to me and saying, I need a site. And most of the time, what most agencies will do and what most freelancers will do is are talking about what do you want on this site? Because the object is to figure out how
much it’s going to cost to make this site. And here’s where the flag.

That’s all well and good, but here’s where the flag goes on the field and it’s the truth and it’s honest. The flag goes on the field because no one stopped to ask why. No one stopped to think, well, why do I need this site? Who’s my audience? What I want them to do? What’s my goal from this?

Here’s how we’re a little bit different.

We look at our clients like this is going to be a several year relationship start asking those questions like…

Why do you need a website? Who’s your audience? What’s the site supposed to do? Who are we talking to here?

Like at the end of the day, what’s your UVP? What’s your value? How do you sell? Who are you talking to?

All the different questions that we have to get to just to start to look at what your website actually needs.

What services do you offer? How many products? What kind of products?

How do you ship all those questions that need to be answered because it’s really easy for me to go I need an eight page website and it’s going to be X dollars, but that’s only one small bit of the story. That’s a tiny fraction of what’s actually required to create a website that’s going to work for your business.

And most of the time everyone skips: How do we get people there? No one wants to talk about that, right? Because it’s hard.

That part of the project is hard. Most business owners don’t like being told it’s going to cost them a thousand or two thousand dollars a month to get website traffic. Immediately, that shuts down their desire to move forward with a project. So no one wants to talk about it.

But wouldn’t you rather know? Wouldn’t you rather know that up front? That you’re going to need traffic, that you’re going to need ads, that you would need social media, photography, proper content writing?

Wouldn’t you want to know that before you spend eight to ten or twenty or fifty or however many thousands of dollars to build a website that never addressed your actual need? Because your need most likely is not a new website.

Your need is leads, selling a product, building a new division of the company, expanding your brand awareness, developing new clientele. That’s usually the goals. And to be honest, if I go to the doctor and say I want my knee fixed, I want you to replace my knee, a doctor should say, whoa, whoa, whoa, maybe we don’t need a knee replacement. Maybe we’re talking laparoscopic. Maybe we’re talking about icing for three days, right? That is the thing…You don’t necessarily know all the things that we know and we don’t know all the things that you know.

So by joining forces early, we’re able to solve those problems, figure out the best steps forward and help you move your business into creating a website that’s going to work. But what we always talk about is the WordPress plugin or whether we’re going to use Drupal or WordPress or Squarespace or Wix or Webbly or Duda , one of the million things out there, Element, Beaver Builder Oxygen. That’s what everyone wants to talk about. But it doesn’t matter. The truth is we can build you a landing page in 20 different software. Doesn’t matter. We can code in all these languages. We can design it, we can build it.

It doesn’t matter. To us that’s the very easy part. But the part that everyone skips is the most important and hardest part, which is why are we doing this? And if we don’t answer that and don’t use that to build an appropriate plan for your company, you’re going to end up with a website that wastes your money and doesn’t help you meet your goals.

And that is almost always what happens. And then we inherit that site two or three years later and the client is coming to us saying “Ouch. I spent a lot of money, I got nowhere.” And that is a very common story. And it’s because there was no planning.

So it costs you something to plan, but it costs so much more to not plan. So we have decided as a company to move towards always planning.

So if you want to make a plan, whether we execute it or not, come and talk to us, email us to [email protected]

go on our website, fill out our contact form, fill out our start a project form. Connect with us so that we can build your business a plan that helps you get success. Because most often website companies want to sell you a website in your budget range,
and that’s what they want to do.

And it makes them money and you’re temporarily happy. But in the long run, you’re not happy and they don’t want to deal with you after your site goes live. They want you to go away because they’re now building the next set of sites because that’s how they get paid. The way that we’re different is that we are going to engage with you for a long term journey and we want to make sure we like each other, work well together, and that you have a strategic plan that’s going to be effective for you.

If you don’t, everything that happens will fail and you will be starting over perpetually.

Let’s help you plan the next steps for your business. Hope this is helpful.

We look forward to talking to you.

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