Website support to help you grow your online presence…
for the same price as a cup of coffee a day… or a bale of hay for the Mules out there.
Do these statements sound familiar…
- You had a web designer, but they disappeared, or only respond to you sometimes?
- Every time you log into your website to make a simple update, it seems to take forever.
- You should be adding and updating things on your site, but it's so hard to do that it hardly feels worth it.
- You've spent more than one phone call dealing with hosting support which feels like a foreign language.
- You've tried to keep your website maintained, but other things always come first.
- You are not sure that your site is actually safe or secured for your customers.
- Your website is constantly broken with nobody to help you fix it?

Empower Your Website with “5 Essentials for Keeping Your WordPress Website Safe” from Muletown Digital.
Muletown Digital is YOUR website maintenance solution
Our monthly website maintenance and support plans, called “Care Plans” offer you peace of mind that every single month we will be here to take care of your website. From monitoring up-time and security, to tweaking performance, and responding to your questions or requests, our team is here to serve you and your business.
Why do we call them "Care Plans"?
Because we CARE about keeping your website working FOR your business!
Peace of Mind
We will ensure that your website stays safe, secure, and running.
Experienced Team
A very experienced team for a very affordable price.
Support Desk
We can typically handle support requests within 1-2 business days.
You’ll have access to our team of designers, developers, and strategists.

Have a WordPress website you need help with that Muletown Digital didn't build?
We will do a deep technical discovery into the safety, security, and speed of your website before starting your care plan.
MTD Wordpress Care Plans Are All You Need
We believe every business owner should have a safe and reliable website.
Muletown Digital provides comprehensive care plans for your website. Staying on top of updates is our mission.
We make sure that your site does what you need it to do reliably and quickly.
View Our Website Maintenance Care Plans
The Silver Plan
Optimized Wordpress Hosting *
Monthly Wordpress Tune-Up
Daily Cloud Backups
Security Scanning
Priority Support via HelpDesk
Uptime Monitoring
Monthly Performance Reports
Outage Recovery
Malware Removal (Hourly)
Premium Plugins ($500/mo value)
30 Minutes Support Time
Hourly Rate Discount ($150/hr)
Content Delivery Network
The Gold Plan
Optimized Wordpress Hosting *
Monthly Wordpress Tune-Up
Daily Cloud Backups
Security Scanning
Priority Support via HelpDesk
Uptime Monitoring
Monthly Performance Reports
Outage Recovery
Malware Removal (Hourly)
Premium Plugins ($500/mo value)
1 Hour Support Time
Hourly Rate Discount ($150/hr)
Content Delivery Network
Updates completed on staging server
Supports eCommerce Websites
FREE Monthly Consultation available
Is your website running on SquareSpace, Wix, Weebly, or another platform?
Our team is able to evaluate any website no matter what build platform you are using. Our Non-WordPress Website Audit will provide incredible insights into how effective your website is working for your business. If you aren’t sure what you need just book a call with our team so we can help!
Services Included in Wordpress Maintenance
Monthly Wordpress Tune-Ups
Every month we take care of a plethora of technical needs on your website from maintaining the WordPress Core, Plugins, and your Custom Theme.
Performance Reports
Did you know that currently the average user will wait only 5 seconds before abandoning your website due to a slow load time? Our monthly performance overview will show you how your website ranks speed wise. We’re even here to help if you need it boosted!
Upcoming Monitoring
Uptime monitoring is a constant check to ensure that your website is actually online. A website that goes online and offline frequently can have security issues, and also be a big problem for your sales and marketing teams. We monitor your uptime and can notify you of problems before your customers find them.
Malware Removal
All websites are vulnerable to malware. Malware is a sneakily little bit of code that can be injected into your website to do nasty things. We scan for security vulnerabilities and malware constantly. If you are infected, we can help you find and remove the malware at our hourly dev rates.
Uptime Monitoring
Our team constantly monitors the status of your website, pretty much round the clock! If a website is having issues or the servers are having problems we are able to jump into solving that immediately. Knowing that your website is having problems is the first step towards a resolution! Uptime monitoring is critical for websites that do a job in your business.
Updates on a Staging Server
If you’re running an eCommerce website running updates on a staging server ensures that updating WooCommerce (your store) does NOT break your website. eCommerce sites require extra special care when updating, and we will always do that on a separate server, ensure everything is working properly, then reload the changes to your live website.
Cloud Back-Ups
A cloud backup is a website backup of your website, database, and all uploaded files. The cool thing about a cloud backup is that it’s independent of your actual website hosting platform. So, even if your website hosting company sold off in pieces tomorrow, you’d have a safe backup to use if necessary.
CDN (Content Delivery Network)
A CDN is a network of servers living in different locations in the cloud. They look for where your website visitor is located and sever your website from the servers closest to them. This helps drastically improve your website load times.
Outage Recovery
If you have a major outage, like a server completely goes down, we can help you migrate your website and recover your losses. If your hosting with us this is HIGHLY unlikely to ever be a problem, but we’ve seen this in the past with other hosts. It’s something we have and hope we never need to do!
Security Scanning
Security scanning helps prevent malware. By finding vulnerabilities in plugins and software before they are exploited we’re able to prevent things before they even start. Think of this like the Oracle in the Matrix, we know before it’s a big deal.
Website Support Time
You can use your support time to make updates to your website or have our team troubleshoot any issues you’re experiencing. We can do things like adding a new blog post, updating images or email addresses, updating PDFs or collateral, solving issues with orders or emails, etc. If you need additional design/development, we can handle that with a small project or bucket of hours at a reduced rate 🙂
Monthly Consultation
Our team will end up knowing your website (and likely your business) inside and out. With our Gold Plan, you’ll be able to leverage a complimentary 30-minute phone call with one of our team leads. You can ask questions surrounding your website, things you’re thinking about adding or changing, SEO, Automation, or anything else you can think of when it comes to your website. Bring your thoughts and questions!
Most frequent questions and answers
Is it really necessary to maintain my website?
All great cars require oil changes and brake jobs to keep them running, a Tune-up is just that for your website. We go under the hood to make sure everything is working properly, and if something is wrong, we let you know before it ends up broken, or worse, leaving your business stranded.
Can I still get hacked while I'm on a Care Plan?
We build these care plans to try to avoid that happening to your website and your business, however, it does happen. Sometimes you can be a target of an exploit that is unknown at the time that we’re doing maintenance on your website. If that does happen we will be by your side to solve your issues. We’ll make sure we get your site restored to a recent backup and that the malware* is removed and any holes are patched. If your site needs further assistance or something replaced we’ll be by your side to make it easy for you!
* Not included in all care plans
How does support work?
If you are on one of our Website Care Packages you have access to our support team and if you need any additions to your website not covered in your care package (a new page, something cool) you’re locked into our $150/hr rate. Keep in mind that customers that do not keep a care package with us are in line way behind you 🙂
If you have issues, questions, or need a change to your website you’ll email us to [email protected] – it’s red-flagged on our end and we will respond with you as immediately as possible. If it’s after hours and your site is down – we already know about it – because we monitor our websites – and we’re already likely working on a fix to the issue.
Note: If you are not hosting your site with us, we will notify you if your website is down, however, we will only provide support during regular business hours.
Do I have to do my hosting with Muletown Digital?
No you do not have to host with us. We HIGHLY recommend that you do because our servers are primed for Wordpress and we are able to monitor them very closely. It also makes support easier and faster.
If you choose to not host with us, we are still able to act as your liaison with your hosting company, we just have our standard $150/hr charge to do so.
What is included in the hourly updates each month if included in my plan?
In our included hourly updates you can do things like have us add a blog post, update images, change titles, add content to a page, etc. We cannot typically do any sort of new development during this time. This is there primarily for us to make updates of existing content.
If you need more than the allotted time in your plan each month, you can buy more hours at a reduced rate of $150/hr.
What is your turn-around time for updates?
Typically 1-2 business days for most requests. Keep in mind, if you ask us at 9pm on Friday – it might be mid-day Tuesday before we can get them in, it all just depends on when the request comes and what it’s for 🙂
What kinds of websites can Muletown Digital take care of?
We can host and run website maintenance and care plans on pretty much any WordPress website. If you are NOT an existing Muletown Digital customer we require a Care Plan Audit before we can commit to moving you to our hosting, or setting up your care plan.
If you’re interested in having your website migrated to WordPress please contact us.
Is there a charge to migrate my hosting to Muletown Digital?
Nope. No. Definitely not. We provide a FREE one-time migration of your site to our servers. If you’re building a site with us we’re of course planning on deploying on our servers, however, if you’re just wanting to have us take care of your site – it is totally free to move it.
Keep in mind, if you are hosting with Muletown Digital, you must maintain one of our care plan packages per our terms of service on care plans.
Do you have any restrictions on the content that can be hosted?
We require you to comply with our content rules, while we do not actively govern your website content, we also do NOT allow the hosting of pornographic, racist, sexist, or violent materials. For more information please see our terms and conditions.
What does that monthly consulting look like?
One of the members of our team will be assigned to your website. They will know it pretty much inside and out. We’ll jump on a call with you for 30 minutes each month depending on your needs. We can talk about your website, things you want to add, SEO, Local Visibility, strategy, automation, or anything you need.
Bring your questions and thoughts, we’ll talk through them with you, guide you, and help you make the MOST out of the awesome website that you have!
Does support time or meeting time rollover?
We do NOT allow you to roll over a meeting or support bucket from month to month. Make sure you use up the time needed each month. Even if it’s the 30th of the month for one request and the 1st of the month for the next, that’s totally cool with us.

Empower Your Website with “5 Essentials for Keeping Your WordPress Website Safe” from Muletown Digital.
Check Out Our Recent Insights into WordPress Website Maintenance
Is updating your website like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole?
Find out how our expert team at Muletown Digital can grab that fluffy mallet for you and make your website maintenance a dream.